Legal Metrology Registration

What is Legal Metrology?

Legal Metrology is crucial to establish and enforce standards of weights and measures, regulate trade and commerce in weights, measures and other goods which are sold or distributed by weight, measure or number and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. A transparent and efficient legal metrology system inspired confidence in trade, industry and consumer and provide a harmonize environment for conducting business.

Who governs Legal Metrology?

Department of Consumer Affairs is the nodal agency, who is responsible for the implementation of Act and Rules for Legal Metrology.

Legal Metrology Registration

What is Legal Metrology Registration?

As per Legal Metrology (Packaged commodities) Rules, 2011, made there under Legal Metrology Act, 2009, in order to manufacture, import and pack any packaged commodity in India, it is mandatory to obtain a Registration Certificate (also known as LMPC certificate or license) from Department of Consumer Affairs within a period of 90 days of their commencement in Indian market either offline or through digital platforms.

Who all can apply?

Legal Metrology Registration

How we help your business?

Move Ahead Consultancy provides end-to-end assistance in applying Legal Metrology Registration Certificate or License (LMPC certificate or license):

Legal Metrology Registration
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